Sunday, December 23, 2012

Only That They Shall Be Killed Or Crucified

May the peace and blessings of Almighty God be upon you.

14 centuries ago, the Glorious Quran legislated, enacted and implemented the very law for which there is a loud public outcry, right in front of the historical landmark of the Republic Of India's capital New Delhi.

It came through the Words & Actions of Mohammad, an illiterate man of 6th century who was known as The Trusty and who claimed that he had revelations from Almighty God.

Most of the time when Islam puts forward its laws before this world, humans with their very limited knowledge says that - 'Oh it is a barbaric punishment', they say that 'Islam should update its penal code' etc. 

But when the incident such as that is happened in New Delhi comes before their very eyes, they call very loudly for the implementation of a penal code that was well in action 14 centuries ago, on the punishment of crimes such as rape.

Prostitution, A Crime With Consent 

Islam treats prostitution as one among the grave sins. It is a crime with mutual consent. It defines separate punishments for unmarried and married persons.

• For an unmarried person - 

"The female prostitute and the male prostitute, flog each of them with a hundred stripes." - Quran 24:2.

Don't show any kindness in the execution of punishment.

"Let not pity withhold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day." - Quran 24:2.

Do the punishment in front a gathering of believers.

"And let a party of the believers witness their punishment." - Quran 24:2.

"This is more humiliating for the people who are guilty of illegal sex, if they are flogged in front of the people. This is because it is more effective as a deterrent and it conveys the sense of scandal and rebuke." - Ibn Kathir.

In addition - 

"In addition to this he is to be banished from his homeland for one year" - Ibn Kathir.

• For a married person - 

"Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) awarded the punishment of stoning to death (to the married adulterer and adulteress) and, after him, we also awarded the punishment of stoning." - Imam Muslim.

- Stoning to death is the prescribed punishment for a married adulterer.

Rape, A Crime Without Consent

Rape is a forced form of prostitution. Here the person who applies the force is the offender and the one who is being forced is innocent.

There is no doubt that the act of rape a clear-cut crime against humanity. Islam sees this crime as a forcible prostitution,it is seen as a crime against humanity.

"The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucifiedor their hands and their feet be cut off on opposite sides, or be exiled from the land." - Quran 5:33

Doing several kinds of mischief deserves the punishment mentioned in the above verse. Those mischievous activity include crimes such as - 

• Prostitution.
  • Theft.
  • Murdering people.
  • Destroying the crops and cattle.
  • Illegally taking possession of others wealth." - Imam Twabari.

A responsible judge should investigate and declares the exact punishment and it should be executed by the government of that country.

Islam defines not just a set of punishment laws, it defines all that is required for a healthy living atmosphere for the mankind, for the world. It envisages a modest society in all the aspects of life in this world.

Modest Men & Women

Islam upholds the sanctity of the mankind by the means of a modest society. It enlists number of practices for a well-built moral society. It includes the following.

A. Modesty Of Tongue

The Glorious Quran prohibits the propagation of slanderous talks about women.

"And those who accuse chaste women, and produce not four witnesses, flog them with eighty stripes, and reject their testimony forever." - Quran 2:24.

B. Modesty Of Gaze

"Tell the believing men to lower their gazeand protect their private parts. That is purer for them. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what they do." - Quran - 24:30

Lower the gaze so as not to look onto women/men with that eye.

C. Modesty Of Dress

"O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their Jalabib (outer wrapper) over their bodiesThat will be better that they should be known so as not to  be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." - Quran 33:59

The above verse calls for modest form of dress for women.

D. Marry As Early As Possible

Prophet Mohammad said -

"O young men, whoever among you can afford to get married, let him marry, for it is more effective in lowering the gaze and protecting the private parts. Whoever cannot do that, then let him fast, for it is a protection for him." - Imam Muslim, Imam Bukhari.

The directives and its explanation continues ...

Why Laws ?

There is no traffic problem in the deep see of Pacific, Atlantic etc oceans where millions & billions of fish and other species travel. There is no separate way for male/female animals in the jungle. Even then, there is no problem in the sea or in the jungle.

Humans are not like animals. He needs traffic rules on the road.  There are dos and don'ts on the road. And so, he needs rules on life, he requires dos and don'ts in all aspects of his life.

Islam defined those rules and regulations, not partially but fully; not impractically but practically; not unjustly but justly. It is so because it claims to be the revelation from Almighty God, for the mankind. Thats why it said - 

"Do they not then consider the Qur'an carefully! Had it been from other than Allah (Almighty God), they would surely, have found therein contradictions in abundance."  - Quran 4:82.

The Glorious Quran continues its triumph throughout many generations and that for the last 14 centuries!


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Maasha Allah - That Which God Willed - Sticker on Car Aimed at Deception

May the peace and blessings of Almighty God be upon you.

"The SIT has found out that the sticker ‘Masha Allah' in Arabic (God has willed it) on the Toyota Innova multi-utility vehicle used by assailants to kill T.P. Chandrasekharan was stuck as a precautionary measure when they were moving about in an area where a Muslim wedding was on." - The Hindu, 16-June-2012

Sticker on Car Aimed at Deception

The assailants of a political leader misused a great saying, 'Maasha Allah', in order to deceit the investigation team. The perpetrators of this act seem to be ignorant of the meaning and the usage of the word 'Maasha Allah'.

The Meaning of Maasha Allah

It means 'That which God willed' or 'That which God wills'. The saying conveys a person's trust in Almighty God. It portrays his/her consciousness in remembering Almighty God.

"Do not say: "What Allah wills and so and so wills," but say: "What Allah wills and afterwards so and so wills." -  Prophet Mohammad.

- It is only after the Will of Creator, the will of creation comes.
- If the Creator didn't will, the creature will never will for it.

"Definitely, a servant of God doesn't posses for himself, good or bad, except what Allah willed- Imam Ibn Kathir.

- Whatever things happens in the life of a believer, he is glad-full that it is because of The Will of Almighty God.

"A man said to prophet Mohammad: 'What Allah and you willed'.  The prophet asked: 'You made me an equivalent to Allah? !! ' The prophet said: 'What Allah willed, only He'" - Imam Ibn Kathir

- The prophet was attributed a hand in the Will of Almighty God.
- The prophet rejected attributing any hand for him, in the Will of God.
- The prophet corrected the man by saying that it is The Will of God only and no one intercedes the Will of God.

The Usage of Maasha Allah

Person A: 'I got a new job'.
Person B: 'Maasha Allah'.

Here, the response of the person B denotes that the person A got job by The Will of God.

Person A: 'I lost my job'.
Person B: 'Maasha Allah'.

Here, the response of the person B denotes that the person A lost job by The Will of God.

Be it good or bad, a believer is glad-full that, it is because of The Will of Almighty God. That is why prophet Mohammad said - 

"How amazing is the affair of the believer. There is good for him in everything and that is for no one but the believer. If good times come his way, he expresses gratitude to Allah and that is good for him, and if hardship comes his way, he endures it patiently and that is better for him.Imam Muslim.

- In good times, a believer expresses Gratitude to the Will of Almighty God. He proclaims 'Maasha Allah'. It is good for him.
- In bad times,   a believer expresses Patience  to the Will of Almighty God. He proclaims 'Maasha Allah'. It is also good for him.


Friday, May 11, 2012

So, Will You Not Then Abstain ?

May the peace and blessings of Almighty God be upon you. 

Devil wants only to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah (One God) and from the the prayer. So, will you not then abstain ? Quran 5:91.

Above is the flex board that is erected by the Kerala Government Excise Department, across the Highways of the state

The same Government is running beverage shops of foreign liquor across the state, is another paradox. The caption on the top right of the flex board reads - 

"Don't destroy life by having Alcohol. Know that  there comes death after Alcohol."

14 centuries ago, The Glorious Quran proclaimed that having intoxicants (alcohol and all of its subsidiaries) is an inspiration from The Devil.

The 21st century declaration of Government of Kerala is met with farce but the 6th century declaration of Glorious Quran was met with realization.

Reports From AD 2012 

Alcohol and all its subsidiaries are still flowing to the state in tanker lorries.

The above news says - "The spirit stored in 147 containers was being loaded on to a lorry parked inside the unit when the police team reached the spot"

Reports from AD 600

Anas said - "I was the butler of the people ... "  - Imam Bukhari.

- The man named Anas was a supplier in an Alcohol serving place.

Anas said - "and in those days alcohol was made from unripe and normal dates."  - Imam Bukhari.

- Alcohol was one of the essential part of their life.

Anas said - "So I found that a person was announcing that alcoholic drinks had been prohibited. Abu Talhah (the owner of the liquor shop) ordered me to go out and spill the wine."  - Imam Bukhari.

- Both the  owner and the supplier of the Alcohol shop hears the proclamation of the above Quranic verse 5:91 that asked them 

"So, will you not then abstain ?"

They replied not with farce but with realization.

Anas said - "I went out and spilled it, and it flowed in the streets of Al-Madinah."  - Imam Bukhari.

- The streets of the city named Madinah were filled the Alcohol that was purposefully and intentionally spilled in response to the Quranic verse 5:91.

"The revelation of the Book in which there is no doubt, is from the Lord of all that exists." Quran 32:2


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

For What Sin Was She Killed ?

May the peace and blessings of Almighty God be upon you. 

"And when the female infant buried alive is questioned. For what sin was she killed ?" Quran 81:8-9.

Decreasing Female Birth Rate

The last week news article shows the figures of decreasing female birth rate, in the state of Kerala, India, due to the female infanticide. The so called civilized society is doing D & C (dilation and curettage) for literally killing the baby, right from the womb, if the baby is a girl !!!

- Are we to wait for a cabinet decision ?
- Are we to wait for a cabinet decision to get it banned ?

14 centuries ago, a book whose principles are usually marked as "obsolete", proclaimed before this mankind -

"And kill not your children for fear of poverty. We shall provide for them as well as for you. Surely, the killing of them is a great sin." Quran 17:31

- Isn't this relevant for 21st century ?
- Is this command only applicable to the 6th century Arabian continent ?

"The revelation of the Book in which there is no doubt, is from the Lord of all that exists." Quran 32:2

- No cabinet under the sky is able to declare such a statement.
- Every cabinet under the sky is incapable of declaring - "We shall provide".

Only Almighty God is capable of proclaiming such a statement.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Earth Quakes Reminds us What

May the peace and blessings of Almighty God be upon you.

Do you feel secure that He, Who is over the heaven (Allah), will not cause the earth to sink with you, and then it should quake! Quran 67:16

Earthquake has been a phenomenon that the mankind has seen with utmost fear and terror. It had been an all-out assault on the very existence of human race on the planet earth.

The 21st century man is able to measure the magnitude of the quakes. But, he is continuously failing to measure the cause of earthquakes

The Glorious Quran has several references to measure the cause of the earthquakes. It reminds us the reason behind the earthquakes.

Those who were arrogant said: "Verily, we disbelieve in that which you believe in.'' Quran 7:76

- People were arrogant in The True Belief of One God.

So they killed the she-camel and insolently defied the commandment of their Lord, and said: "O Salih! Bring about your threats if you are indeed one of the Messengers (of Allah).'' Quran 7:77

- People challenged the messengers of Almighty God.

So the earthquake seized them, and they lay (dead), prostrate in their homes. Quran 7:78

- Almighty God challenged the people with earthquakes.

Here come the importance of the question

 Do you feel secure ? ...  Quran 67:16

- Do you feel secure that He will not cause the earth to sink with you ?
- Do you feel secure that He will not cause the earth to quake with you ?

Here comes the importance of The Universal Message of Glorious Quran.

"The Messenger believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. 

Each one believes in Allah (One God), 
His Angels, 
His Books, and 
His Messengers. 

(They say,) 'We make no distinction between one another of His Messengers' and they say, 'We hear, and we obey. (We seek) Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the return (of all).''' Quran 2:285

- Quran calls the mankind to recognize all the Scriptures of Almighty God.
- Quran calls the mankind to recognize all the Messengers of Almighty God.
- Quran calls the mankind to The True Worship of One God.

This belief and practice is the security.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It was Decided 14 Centuries Ago, Indian Cabinet Decides it Today

May the peace and blessings of Almighty God be upon you.

Indian cabinet led by Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, passed a bill granting a share for wife in her husband's property.

A book that is usually marked as "obsolete", had proclaimed the same decision 14 centuries ago !

Glorious Quran declared The Right of a Wife in her husband's property by the following verse.

"In that which you leave, their (your wives) share is a fourth if you leave no child; but if you leave a child, they get an eighth of that which you leave after payment of legacies that you may have bequeathed or debts." Quran 4:12

Indian cabinet decision is one-sided. Quran's decision was two sided. That is, it declared a Husband's Right in Wife's Property !

"In that which your wives leave, your share is half if they have no child; but if they leave a child, you get a fourth of that which they leave after payment of legacies that they may have bequeathed or debts." Quran 4:12
